Sunday, May 01, 2005

A Pointless and Damaging Election

We are trapped into a self-fulfilling prophecy ... so many of my friends and colleagues believe that all politicians are untrustworthy, that politicians lie as a matter of course, and that whoever is in power, nothing will change. How wrong can they be! Can't they see that with Charles Kennedy, there would be a radical at the helm and that it's difficult to predict what will be the outcomes of economic and environmental policies which are as yet untried. He's honest if untried. 

Can't they see that Michael Howard's small government will fundamentally change the relationships between different interest groups (classes?) within our country. There will be winners and losers and nothing in health, education, business, economics and welfare will remain the same. He too is personally honest; it's his party's principles which are divisive. 

As for Labour and Blair, why didn't he own up to the mistakes of Iraq and challenge the public's trust in him rather than the reverse. He could have gone down in history as the man who restored faith in politics. Instead, he will for ever be remembered as the reluctant liar, when he probably, as all politicians, decided on the balance of truth, evidence and right as he saw it. Blair has confirmed the public's view of politicians; he needs to be held to account for that. We are towards the end of a campaign in this pointless and damaging election. The government will not change; the prime minister will not change; nor will the economy, public services, and the people's trust in them. One thing will change, increased cynicism from the punters on the street. I shall continue to vote Labour.

An afterthought: The one event that would stop Labour winning this election is a terrorist strike like the one in Spain days before their general election; let's hope it doesn't happen.

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